U - Grouping

educational dynamming programming contest

You want to put n rabbits in groups, and you get a value a_ij for having rabbit i and rabbit j in the same group.

There’s 2^n possible subsets out of these rabbits.

If you have a set of rabbits A, you could perform no split and take the sum of all a_ij. But you could also perform a split into sets B and C, such that B union C = A, then:

best_score(A) = max(no_split_score(A), best_score(B) + best_score(C) : for all splits B and C)

my submission


#define REP(i, n) for(int i = 0;i < n;++i)

using namespace std;

int n;

int A[16][16];

long long dp[1 << 16];

int main() {
	cin >> n;
	REP(i, n) {
		REP(j, n) {
			cin >> A[i][j];
	unsigned mask = 1;
	for (;mask < (1<<n);++mask) {
		int ffs = __builtin_ctz(mask);
		dp[mask] = dp[mask^(1<<ffs)];
		REP(i, n) {
			if ((mask^(1<<ffs)) & (1<<i))
				dp[mask] = (dp[mask] + A[ffs][i]);
	//REP(i, (1<<n)) cout << i << ' ' << dp[i] << endl;
	//cout << endl;
	mask = 1;
	for (;mask < (1<<n);++mask) {
		unsigned group1 = 0;
		while (group1 < mask / 2 + 1) {
			if ((group1 ^ (mask - group1)) == mask)
				dp[mask] = max(dp[mask], (dp[group1] + dp[mask - group1]));
	cout << dp[(1<<n)-1] << endl;