Fast and Simple Sorting Using Partial Information

distinguished lecture

Last Friday, there was a lecture by Robert Tarjan about sorting given some information about the sorted order.

I forgot some things that were mentioned, and there’s things that I remember being brought up briefly but also forget where they fit into the lecture. Here’s those things:
Ellipsoid method
Splay trees

Here is my understanding of what was said:
You can represent a sorted total order as a DAG in which vertices are items and there is an edge from item a to item b if a and b have been compared and b > a.

a ---> b

Say, n is the number of items.
If all n choose 2 comparisons have been made. You would have a complete graph whose topological sort would always yield the true total order.

However, if you had no comparisons made yet, or zero edges in this graph of n vertices, then there’s n! possible orderings that topological sort could give you, only one of which is correct.

Also, here’s my topological sort implementation for the cses problem, course schedule.
my submission

Tarjan was focusing on situations when you are given the results of some comparisons prior to sorting as an incomplete DAG

|             |
|             v
a ---> b      c  ---> d

A solution to this is to topological sort the DAG using a heap instead of a queue. This way, you always get the right sorted order. A big consideration however is the choice of heap. It had something to do with the working set of a heap, which is the maximum number of elements that are in the heap while item i is in the heap.

I forget the complexity of topological heapsort with a binary heap.
It might be better than plain heapsort depending on how informative the DAG is. Here’s the most informative DAG you can get

a ---> b ---> c ---> d

In this case, for topological heapsort, the maximum number of elements in the heap at one time would be 1. On the other hand, regular heapsort would put all elements on the heap. Its still O(nlogn), but the working sets will be bigger.

Tarjan’s solution was to use a pair heap for topological sorting. This had to do with getting a good bound on the working set. The complexity was O(n + m + logT), where n is the number of vertices, m is the number of given comparisons, and T is the number of possible total orders for the given DAG. Notice that if no comparisons are given, you get n + log(n!), which is n + nlogn as n gets big.

Did you know that Tarjan was involved in making Fibonacci heaps?

A question that I asked: how many comparisons prior to sorting is sufficient for this to be the best option for sorting?
the jist of Tarjan’s answer: Enough to get a reasonably informative DAG that cuts down on T. Getting long runs are especially helpful.

Big thanks to Tarjan for the lecture.